Tuesday, December 21, 2004


So this is also completely stolen from Scott (His link is over on the right). I just thought, since it's the Season for copying from other blogs, why not?

* Name: erika
* Birthdate: 9 March
* Birthplace: Kansas City, Missouri
* Current Location: Circleville, Ohio
* Eye Color: blue
* Hair Color: dishwater blonde
* Height: 5'2"

* Righty or Lefty: right-handed
* Zodiac Sign: Pisces

* Your heritage: English
* The shoes you wore today: high-heeled boots
* Your weakness: good-looking men (movie stars)
* Your perfect pizza: bacon, pepperoni, mushrooms, green pepper, onion, black olives
* Goal you'd like to achieve: be a pastor

* Your first thoughts waking up: Today? I’m going to be late to work!
* Your best physical features: My eyes, smile
* Your bedtime: Usually 1am-ish
* Your most missed memory: Knowing that there was always someone to hang out with

* Pepsi or Coke: Pepsi
* McDonald's or Burger King: McDonald’s
* Single or group dates: Single
* Adidas or Nike: Neither
* Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: Whatever is sweetest
* Chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla. You can do anything you want to vanilla.
* Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino

* Smoke: No
* Cuss: No, although there are times....
* Sing: I love to sing, but I think I drive my co-workers nuts.
* Take a shower everyday: Yes
* Crush(es): I live on crushes
* Do you think you've been in love: I think once.
* Want to go to college: Have a BA and an MA...don’t ask for more.
* Like high school: It was okay...College was GREAT!!!
* Want to get married: Someday
* Believe in yourself: Most of the time.
* Get motion sickness: No
* Think you're attractive: Sometimes
* Think you're a health freak: Let me think...NO!!!!
* Get along with your parents: Yes
* Like thunderstorms: LOVE them
* Play an instrument: I want to learn the violin. So, I guess the answer is no.

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
* Gone to the mall?: Yes, today in fact.
* Eaten an entire box of Oreos: I haven’t touched an Oreo this month
* Eaten sushi: I have never had sushi (not because I refuse, just never had the oppurtunity).
* Been on stage: Not in the past month. But, I love being onstage.
* Been dumped: No.
* Gone skating: No
* Made homemade cookies: No, but my housemate has.
* Gone skinny dipping: In December?
* Dyed your hair: No, but I have an appointment to get it highlighted next month.
* Stolen anything: No.

* Played a game that required removal of clothing: No
* Go skinny dipping: No
* Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: No, just slightly tipsy.
* Gotten beaten up: No
* Shoplifted: No
* Changed who you were to fit in: Once upon a time.

* Age you hope to be married: Please Lord, no later than 30.
* Numbers and Names of Children: I don’t have any children, I don’t have a preference as to how may I have, but the oldest girl has to have the first name of Kathleen (It’s a family name, my middle name)
* Describe your dream wedding: This changes every year.
* How do you want to die: Without pain.
* Where you want to go to college: Already been.
* What would you like to achieve in the next year: Find exactly where God wants me (Please not where I am now)
* What do you want to be when you grow up: Happy

LAYER NINE: In a guy/girl..
* Best eye color? Any
* Best hair color? Any
* Short or long hair: Any
* Height: 6'-6'3"
* Best weight: Not overweight
* Best articles of clothing: gray or khaki slacks with a black short-sleeved shirt.
* Best first date location: Play, Movie, Musical...Barnes and Noble after.
* Best first kiss location: Front stoop. Me pressed against the front door with him leaning over.

* Number of drugs taken illegally: Never
* Number of people I could trust with my life: Quite a few actually.
* Number of CDs that I own: I live music...but I don’t own a lot.
* Number of piercings: one hole in each ear, but I never wear earrings.
* Number of tattoos: None, I debate back and forth.
* Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: A few, now and again.
* Number of scars on my body: One or two, from burns.
* Number of things in my past that I regret: One.

* Like someone?: Yes
* Have someone who likes you?: You’re kidding, right?
* Have a best friend?: Not at the moment
* Think you're crazy?: Not crazy, so much as Pathetic.
* Own a thong?: Yes
* Take risks?: No...
* Remember your first kiss?:Yes
* Regret taking this quiz?: It was one of the better ones.


At 7:48 PM, Blogger *sara* said...

first off--the 12 days of christmas come AFTER christmas (leading up to epiphany-with christmas i think being the first day) i learned this last year in an attempt to celebrate--which failed miserably. second, i love you. thought you might like to know ;)

At 3:17 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

that is a very interesting quiz but i don't think i want to type all of that. anyway, we cannot stop for dinner cause we will be going through where you are in the early morning but i am off the whole next day so if you would maybe like to meet somewhere or something i could see if i could work something out with the wife.


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