Monday, December 06, 2004

On Fan Mail

I have decided that it is not inappropriate, wrong, or stalkerish to send fan mail to famous people. Fan Mail is just a way of expressing appreciation for one's art. It is a compliment to the person and their talent.

We often tell people they have done well after a solo sung in church, after a school presentation has been performed to the best of one's abilities, or a piece of artwork is especially pleasing to the eye. Why should it be any different for famous actors, actresses, or musicians? It shouldn't.

If something should happen from said letter, such as return communication from a famous actor, actress, or musician, that is never the intention. The purpose of the letter is to compliment not to expect a visit, e-mail, or post from the celebrated persons.

Therefore, I have no qualms in sending a letter to a person who I feel has performed favourably. I am simply praising them for the exceptional use of their gifts and talents.


At 2:51 PM, Blogger Paul said...

I have actually paid money to see people, writers and artists, of whom I am a fan. At comic conventions and book signings. I see nothing wrong with fan letters. I don't think it's stalkerish, as you said, you're expressing your appreciation. i would actually say it's sweet.

At 4:55 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Is this because you are in love with Vin Diesel and want to send him loads of fan mail?

At 8:11 PM, Blogger erika said...

Paul - Thank you for your affirmation

Sara - I don't know what you're talking about


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