Thursday, September 23, 2004

A Hero, A Scoundrel, and a Princess

These characters make up one of the best movie trilogies ever made - STAR WARS. It is amazing to me that George Lucas began his empire with an allotment of only 8 million dollars for Episode 4.
The trilogy was released for the first time ever on DVD Tuesday, and it is spectacular. I wish I had been able to watch it with surround sound...oh how beautiful it would be to watch those movies surrounded by the sound of X-Wing fighters flying over your head shooting at various Death Stars (Episodes 4 and 6) or the Millennium Falcon evading various asteroid fields (Episodes 4 and 5 - although in Episode 4 the asteroid field was actually the planet Alderaan that was blown by the first Death Star).

But they are beautiful however you get to see them...simply fantastic.

Growing up, I always wanted to be Princess Leia. She was beautiful, she was sassy, and - hello! - she was a princess. Man, she kicked butt.
The only problem with being Leia is that I was totally in love with Luke Skywalker (what with them being brother and sister and all it kinda didn't work). Oh, he was gorgeous, and brave, and sensitive, and he got to have the lightsaber. He was the epitome of the perfect man.
Han Solo - yes, he was scruffy looking (Episode 5), but that just added to his charm. And hmmm-mmm, if that man wanted to he could charm his way out of anything (and often did with his blaster and/or his starship).

These three characters, these three movies have touched the lives of millions of people in this star system alone. Countless little girls would pretend they were Leia, boys would play with their imaginary lightsabers saving the Republic from certain doom.
People began to use their imaginations again and believer that anything is possible.


At 8:39 PM, Blogger Paul said...

I never really liked them. Call me crazy, but by the time I saw them, I'd read so many things that were better. And so many people talked them up, that I was kinda let down by the whole thing. I did like Empire Strikes back, and when I was young, I loved the Ewoks, but when I got older, uh... no. I've never really been a fan of the space operas, like Star Wars and Star Trek. I prefer my futures a bit darker and more frightening. Brazil is my favorite movie of all time, and it's a future movie where people are swamped under government beauracracy. I tend to gravitate towards that as a future more than Star Wars.

But that might just be sour grapes on my part, I thought I'd be walking on the moon in my moon suit by the time I turned 30.

At 12:18 AM, Blogger totogirl said...

i think that the interview went pretty well. i have to pass the second interview (maybe next week) though. they are the people that actually dothe hiring.

i was always kind of in love with hans. i like the badass guys (you can all see then how i fell for joel. hehehe)

At 1:04 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

i did not know that you where that wrapped up in star wars. oh well.
we are also very exited about the movies in this part of the country and when we get the money we will be going to get them on dvd.

At 3:47 PM, Blogger erika said...

So, yes, Paul you are a tad crazy for not liking Star Wars. But that's okay I'll forgive you. :)

Rachel said Badass?!?!?!?!

Joel - I absolutely LOVE Star Wars...could probably watch them everyday...okay maybe not EVERY day...but you get the picture.

At 12:13 PM, Blogger Sara said...

Growing up the only girl in a neighborhood full of boys, I was often forced to play Princess Leia in Star Wars games. This means that i sat in "prison" (basically, crouched under a desk) until rescue because thats what the boys thought Princess Leia should do. Basically, I HATE the thought of being Princess Leia now. I think I would like to be Hans Solo. I think. 'Caue you get to shoot out of every situation and have a starship, who wouldn;t want that?


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