Friday, November 05, 2004

A Little Bit of Romance

Being done with my MA program, I have taken time off from reading "real" books, and have been reading "fluff."
I like "fluff" reading. LOVE it, actually, but am sure it is time for me to be focusing on some type of research project to present at various conferences and whatnot.

But here is the topic for today.
I am reading historical fiction romances at the moment. Not the tawdry, torrid romances where it's all sex, but the ones that have to do with ROMANCE. I have a tendency to choose the ones that take place in England usually between the time of the Tudors and the Hanovers (the Henry's through the George's).
The only problem with me reading these books, is that my overactive imagination takes over, and begins to envision certain situations ACTUALLY taking place...or some derivation of.
I begin to wish that I lived in an era where showing my ankles would be risque, where if I were kissed by some stranger, I might be forced into marriage, where my honor would be defended by a rapier. Ahhhh, wouldn't it be loverly?

So my imagination has been making up this story of late. When I'm driving, or trying to fall asleep, or don't have something else on my mind, I pick up this storyline. It's about me, driving home. It's not dark out quite yet, but the sun has definitely set, and a deer crosses the street in front of me, I swerve to miss it, and hit a rolls royce. The chauffeur gets out of the car to berate me, and then this AMAZING man gets out of the back...
I haven't quite gotten much further, and I won't describe the man, because every woman has a different taste...but hmmmm, GORGEOUS!!!!

Anyway, lot happening in my life of late, that I will post about soon.


At 5:22 PM, Blogger *sara* said...

you're alive! (why doesnt your blog allow anonymous comments??)

At 7:37 PM, Blogger lexerdax said...

You're alive you're alive you're alive you're alive!!! I was starting to worry that rubbing my elbows had killed you. Or sent you into a nunnery.


I like the storyline...continue!! (And all I read is fluff. Christian romance. Ryan makes fun of how predictable it is. But I like it, darn it!)


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