Tuesday, December 14, 2004

On the 9th Day of Christmas

This is completely stolen, but I really don't think anyone cares...and what did my true love give on the ninth day of Christmas...anyone remember?

9 Things I want to do before I die:
1. Get married
2. Have children
3. Pastor a church
4. Be the first woman General Superintendent of the Church of the Nazarene
5. Be completely daring and unpredictable
6. Live in England
7. Live in NYC
8. Go to the Academy Awards
9. Take a year off from work and travel and do whatever I want to do.
10. Meet Vin Diesel

8 Things I am wearing:
1. My new Walt Disney World sweatshirt.
2. A pair of jeans.
3. A pair of socks.
4. A pair of shoes.
5. A bra.
6. Panties
7. The family ring.
8. My Blockbuster keys are hooked to a beltloop on my jeans.

7 Things on my mind:
1. Are my friends and I meeting at a local restaurant to watch the Amazing Race, tonight at 9?
2. Will my family like the Christmas gifts that I have gotten for them?
3. What will be the reaction from people at this wedding I'm going to this weekend?
4. I wonder if the girls will be able to meet the Tuesday after Christmas.
5. When will I hear back about my resume that I just sent to this church?
6. Why am I so practical?
7. Vin Diesel

6 Things I touch everday:
1. My car keys.
2. My Blockbuster keys.
3. My cell phone.
4. My alarm clock.
5. A computer.
6. My purse.

5 Things I do everyday:
1. Get out of bed.
2. Go to work.
3. Go to my parents house.
4. Check my e-mail.
5. Make up Vin Diesel coming to Ohio fantasies

4 Songs on my mind:
1. I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas
2. One Thing by Finger Eleven
3. Master & Commander Soundtrack
4. God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen

3 Things I think of when I wake up:
1. It is SOOO cold.
2. Do I really have to get out of bed NOW?
3. What Vin Diesel fantasies can I come up with today?

My two favorite foods:
1. United Dairy Farmers Eggnog Milkshake
2. Buffalo Chircken sub from Charley's Steakery

1 Person I love more than any other:
That would have to be my dad. He's great.... I know y'all thought I was gonna say Vin Diesel...but c'mon, I don't even know the man. :)


At 9:07 PM, Blogger lexerdax said...

You crazy. :) (That's what Dennis Seymour in the Olivet Computer Center says. You crazy.)

I miss you, girl! When are you going to come back out here??

At 11:11 PM, Blogger Paul said...

Live in England AND NYC? Transmigration?

Go to the Academy awards, I've never heard anyone say that before. I hope to end up there someday, for writing an award winning script.

It's possible to take a year off from work anytime. But uh.. it's tough. You have to live like crap.

What's wrong with being practical? I wish I were.

At 5:02 PM, Blogger Paul said...

I don't think any of us thought you were gonna say vin diesel, at least i HOPE no one thought that! I want to live in England too, although I do not have your extensive (and somewhat creepy) knowledge of the monarchy.

At 5:11 PM, Blogger Sara said...

that last comment was from me, not paul. I just forgot to change the log-in sorry!


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